One of the things that got me interested in blogging is my friend Joei's blog- Art That's Felt. I met the talented Joei though the Northeast Feltmakers Guild and I am very thankful to have her as a friend. Joining the Guild has been a blessing for me. Women in the fiber arts seem to me to be the most caring and giving of artists. The acceptance of newbies and the sharing of information in the fiber arts is amazing and I can honestly say that that is not true among all the fine arts.
This past weekend Joei hosted a Felt-A-Thon. Joei invited me and Jane (another guild member and friend) to come visit. We did some felting, a lot of dyeing with indigo, and lots of talking and laughing. It was just what I needed in many ways.
Here is a happy Joei hanging up some ribbon and some silk after a second, or was it third? dip in the indigo vat.
It was fascinating to see the color change from this beautiful teal to a bright blue when exposed to the air. Felters love those magic moments when the properties of the medium changes before our eyes or beneath our fingers.
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