Monday, October 25, 2010

Latest Finished Felt Landscape

I am happy that I was able to finish the landscape that I was doing for the Granby Land Trust art show. This is the third year I have submitted a piece of felt. I got juried in both years. I am hoping this will be the third. Here is the photo I was using for inspiration.

This was the start of the piece just before I did the wet felting.

Below is what it looked like  a few days ago after a lot of needle felting.

The piece finished...

and framed.

There are still things I would change but I am not unhappy with it and having it be done is wonderful.


  1. Simply brilliant! If this was the road less traveled, I'd take it in a heartbeat!

  2. You have captured the atmosphere of the wood beautifully.
    thanks for sharing

  3. It's wonderful - aren't there always things that we would change or do differently. That's what the next piece is for!

  4. Thank you all. I just got word that the landscape won a prize in the art show. My first one. I am still surprised and excited. I have to wait till Nov. 4th to find out what the prize is but at least I know the piece will be in the show!

  5. Congratulations!! Well deserved!!

  6. This is an absolutely amazing piece of work x Big Congratulations to you x

  7. WOW.. unbelievable beautiful work!

  8. Your work transports me to another world, a beautiful one. I would love to learn how you did it. It is amazing!

  9. Breathtaking. You are gifted. Thank you for sharing your gift.

  10. Thank you Cindy and Anonymous for your wonderful and touching words. It gives me validation that what I do effects others in a positive way and therefore has a value that reaches beyond the object itself! Your words come at a perfect time for me. thank you again

  11. Diane,
    This piece is beautiful & so peaceful. I'm new to felting & this was very inspiring!! Do you mind to share on what type of medium you felt your photos such as this?

    May you have a blessed day!

  12. Hello Debbie, thank you for the compliment. I am not sure I understand your question. I use wool and various other fibers to create my felt.

  13. What is the base fabric you felt on?

  14. DebbieR, there is no fabric in this piece, just wool and other fibers felted in the traditional wet felting technique. I lay out the colored wool fibers to look like the image and then put on soap and water and agitate the fibers until they tangle together to form the felt.

  15. For showing and even selling do you cover with glass?

  16. you are an incredible artisit!

  17. Absolutely beautiful !

    1. Thank you Anonymous. I did not know anyone ever looked at this old blog anymore.

  18. I'm so thankful your 'old' blog post is still here. I'm finally putting my sheep to work and completed my first (dry) Needle felting landscape. I admire wet felting but didn't like some of the images getting distorted during the agitation part (although results are sometimes lovely serendipity). Your process shows it is not either/or. You did both! Up until now in my journey I had seen artists embellish with beads, ribbon, feathers after wet felting, but never additional (dry wool) needle felting. Thank you.

    1. Thank you Dessye Dee. I am so glad to know it is still appreciated. I still pay to host it. It is only a few dollar a month but have thought at times that it is silly to keep paying. I have thought about just printing it for myself to have the memories at hand. Happy felting, there is so much to explore!

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. Diane, your past work inspires me! I only wish I could see them in person. You are such a talented felt artist! The kind of work you posted is the standard by which I judge my struggling efforts! Thank you for keeping your blog posts active. You still have a lot to teach us!

    1. Thank you Donna. I am glad to know it is still appreciated. I plan on teaching a few small classes here to use up my wool. Email me if you are interested.

  21. I love trees. This is so beautiful ❤️ I've been needle felting dolls and have done a little wet felting but not scenes/pictures. Do you lay the loose fibers onto a prefelt or anything or is it all loose fibers before you wetfelt?
